Learner Handbook 24
Active Wellbeing is a very important part of college life, and we try to encourage all students at all campuses and courses to take full advantage of the various offers to enrich their college experience. Active Wellbeing is a programme that is specifically designed for students (and often by students) to continue on that active journey within college. There are multiple ways to participate in active wellbeing; team sports, lunchtime classes, drop in sessions, timetabled lessons, grab and go, competitions, events, volunteering, and more. We are constantly introducing new equipment and activities and will be looking to expand our paddleboarding, laser tag and Blazepod challenges in 2024/25. The Active Wellbeing programme was established at Coleg Sir Gâr in 2009. The team sits within the Wellbeing Team, and is led by our coordinator Kayeligh Brading. Kayleigh is also the Duke of Edinburgh manager for the college, and she is supported by a team of staff who help to facilitate activities over all seven campuses of Coleg Sir Gar and Coleg Ceredigion. Opportunities also exist to achieve the DoFE bronze and gold awards whilst you are in college. You will find more information about this at the Freshers Fayres and induction talks during the first few weeks of term, or, you can always speak to a member of the Active Wellbeing team or email * Kayleigh kayleigh.brading@colegsirgar.ac.uk
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