Learner Handbook 24
Literacy and numeracy skills are essential to succeed in your studies, secure employment in the future, and for personal growth. As a college, we are committed to helping you develop these vital skills alongside your main qualification. All learners will follow a “Skills Pathway”, based on your individual needs and informed by your previous grades, where possible. Regardless of your starting point, we will support you with your literacy and numeracy development, to ensure that you are well prepared for progression to the next level of study and/or employment. Once you have enrolled, you need to complete the WEST Initial Assessment, which identifies your current literacy and numeracy levels and informs the college about any areas that need development. It is really important that you make every effort to complete the WEST assessment, to ensure that it is an accurate reflection of your literacy and numeracy skills. Your tutor will support you through the Initial Assessment when you start college. The WEST tool is also used to continuously develop your literacy and numeracy skills throughout the academic year. You can access the WEST tool to practice your skills that need further development. This will also improve your achievement on your main qualification, as literacy and numeracy skills are transferable across your studies. Remember, “literacy + numeracy = success!”
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