Learner Handbook 24

What is counselling? Counselling is sometimes referred to as ‘talking therapy’. Counsellors use their skills to help you better understand the issues that are causing you concern. These might include talking about life events in the present or the past, feelings, relationships, and ways of thinking or patterns of behavior. Counselling can help you find better ways of coping with any difficulties you may be facing. Accessing your counselling service may enhance your learner experience providing you with an opportunity for you to explore your issues in a safe and private setting. The team of counsellors are highly qualified and experienced professionals who will work alongside you to create positive change. What can counselling help with? Our counsellors are experienced in working with lots of different issues. Counselling is for anyone having difficulties of any kind, if it is concerning you then it matters. TOGETHERALL Everyone at Coleg Ceredigion and Coleg Sir Gâr can access free online mental health support with Togetherall, any time, any day. Whether you’re struggling to cope, feeling low or just need a place to talk, Togetherall can help you to explore your feelings in a safe supportive environment. What is Togetherall? • An online community where members are anonymous to each other, they can share how they are feeling and support each other • Provides access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year • Clinically managed with trained professionals available 24/7 to keep the community safe • Self-assessments and recommended resources • Creative tools to help express how you’re feeling • Wide range of self-guided courses to do at your own pace You can find more information and the services offered by The Wellbeing Team by visiting their Google sites.

Coleg Sir Gar Learner Experience Coleg Ceredigion Learner Experience

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